
1年1度的世界读书日又到了。10前的4月23日,联合国教科文组织宣布该日为世界读书日,因为1616年的这1天,西班牙作家塞万提斯、英国著名作家莎士比亚和秘鲁的加尔西拉索·德·拉·维加相继辞世。 自“世界读书日”宣布以来,已有超过100个国家和地区参与此项活动,各国把读书的宣传活动变成1场热闹的节庆,人们集会演讲,设坛对话,比赛作文,相互赠书。但是在我国,除了几个大城市搞些活动外,绝大部分地方都在平淡中度过。 不仅如此,据中国出版科学研究所所作的抽样调查,5年来中国国民的读书率持续走低,有读书习惯的人仅占5%,有近半国人基本不读书。这已是几年前的统计了。随着国民经济的持续走高,而国人阅读率却持续走低。这不能不说是1个问题,而且是1个很大的问题。 有人说现在生活节奏太快,没时间读书,真的如此吗?公务员朝9晚5,抽点读书的时间应该是有的,但恰恰是公务员,业余时间最忙,业余时间忙什么呢?看1看大街小巷越开越多的餐饮娱乐中心洗脚城,也就知道答案了。 公务员公务繁忙,没有时间读书。其他阶层怎么样?商人忙赚钱,学生忙考试;市民忙打牌;工人忙做工,农民忙种田。看来,真正有闲读书的人还真不多。 教师应该属于读书阶层了。但以我的视野所及,除了专业考试业务进修,当下教师喜欢读书的也所剩无几了。以我自己为例,我算得上是1个喜欢读书的教师了。每年买书的开销也是1个不小的数目,但最近几年真正用于读书的时间并不多。上网的时间反而大大超过读书时间了,虽然网上1样可以看书。但我以为,真正的好书是不适宜于在网上阅读的。网上的东西多而杂,速度也快。而真正的好书是需要慢慢品味的。 读书最好在图书馆,但现在的城市愈来愈现代化,而图书馆却愈来愈破旧,图书也愈来愈少了。以我居住的重庆为例,1座现代化的图书馆还刚刚破土动工。重庆图书馆在两路口的山坡上,在周围的高大建设群的俯视下,是那样的不起眼。而我所在的江北区图书馆,连根都被拔掉了。为了迎合开发商开发的需要,把原图书馆的土地买了,用来建造商厦,只在商厦中保留了两层用来作图书馆。 商厦中的图书馆还叫图书馆吗?而原来的江北图书馆曾给了我多少心灵的抚慰啊!而此地现在成了江北商圈人气最旺的地区,在繁华与喧嚣声中又到哪里去寻觅我心中的读书静地呢?图书馆对热爱读书的人的感情是无法言说的,这正如英国作家毛姆所说:“如果你在图书馆待上1天,不管这座图书馆有多小,当你面对着人类积累下来的无穷智慧,你的心中只会满怀敬畏,甚至会夹杂着淡淡的悲哀。” 弗·培根说:“读书在于造就完全的人格。”正因如此,所有发达国家不论高层还是平民,都把读书当成生活的1部分,而且是非常重要的1部分。即使在网络高度发达的美国,美国公共图书馆的持卡人数仍高达1.48亿,即每两个美国人就有1人持有读者证;据统计,美国国民去公共图书馆的人次数是观看足球、篮球、棒球、曲棍球合计总人次数的5倍多。 俄国人之酷爱读书举世闻名,在莫斯科的地铁上,随时可见知识分子模样的人在专心捧读。并且,这些捧读者中读的都是大部头的托翁、陀翁等苏俄大师的名著。 日本人爱读书也是举世公认,在日本的电车、巴士上,无论是衣冠楚楚的上班族还是身穿校服的学子,差不多都在专心看书。 反观我国,无论城乡,到处可闻的不是读书声,而是麻将声。1个全民打麻将的民族是将要崛起中的民族吗? 又1个世界读书日到来了,读书日顾名思义就是要引导人们自觉读书,并养成读书的习惯。读书不仅仅是提高个人修养和健全人格的事,而应是提高全民族思想文化修养的大事。为了我们自己的人格完善,更为了我们的国家民族,让我们从现在开始,每天都读那么几页书吧!。
4月23日是世界读书日,这是1个世界性的节日,可见全世界的人们都是热爱读书的,今年的世界读书日让我深有感触,读书,是1种享受,是1种幸福。著名作家高尔基有1句名言:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”书是我的良师益友,是我的好伙伴。读书好比是在和1位高尚的人谈话,的确如此,读书的滋味其乐融融。 书是我们学习巨大的力量与成功,如果我们在读书时不用脑子记,不用心记,读书读的很快,到最后1点儿印象都没有了,白花费了很多时间,所以我们不要把读书看做1场游戏,读书是为你而读,不是为别人而读。
在世界读书日握银数这1天,让我们好好阅读1下手搏李中的书本。作文网英语作文栏目为您准备了4篇《世界读书日英语作文》,更多英语作文、世界段首读书日作文请浏览作文网。 篇1: 世界读书日英语作文 is now a knowledge society, if you want to get rich knowledge, the first is reading a book. reading is the foundation of all kinds of learning. in everything we do, most can free our minds, so we should form the good habit of reading. i like to read books. as the saying goes: "read volumes, such as writing god." if we form the habit of reading, don't worry for not write a good composition. i like to read books. i gained a lot of knowledge, by reading, enlighten the wisdom, at the same time, can also open to the outside world, towards the future, to the windows of the unknown world, made me know the famous ancient and modern, chinese and foreign scientists, their story has been encouraged me to strive forward, made me even more motivated to learn. i like to read books. when reading a good book, like talking with a mentor, as if listening to their teacher. april 23 is world reading day. more and more countries joined celebrate this holiday, the day into joy reading festival. china's revitalization and strong, is start from reading. the classmates, let us now begin to form the good habit of reading! 篇2:关于世界读书日的英语作文 "reading break rolls, such as writing, reading books, travelling"... when i was little, i vaguely remember my father told me that a lot of such things. slowly grow up, i didn't know about the wisdom of reading whatever has a lot of ancient and modern, chinese and foreign, and let's accumulated knowledge through books, find a lot of fun. read the five thousand years i know briefly the development course of our country for thousands of years, know the origin of some of china's ancient legend; know the yan emperor, the yellow emperor; know why we call ourselves chinese people... read the "water margin", i know that treacherous court official in power, corrupt officials of the northern song dynasty, one hundred and eight men successively juyi beam mountain, pull up the banner of "for good" robin hood, often hurt loyalist scenes such as living social and historical picture... when i finished reading "there is a feeling called heartache, i deeply realize the own-his umbilical affection is the family in the world, the world needs to give up a lot of things, the parents for their children, the children to the parents' love is forever is unable to give up... gorky once said: "books are the ladder of human progress" we can get a lot of information and knowledge from the book, many of the letters are like that. we can see many in the past or in the book of modern mystery, in order to solve these mysteries, we will study hard, hard, after be brought up to dig these secrets; by reading the newspaper, we can see now the latest things, also can see what is a good man, what's bad, it's good for our judgement. if we look at many reference books, then we will have a lot of knowledge and the accumulation of vocabulary, this can let us become a renaissance man in the future. this book is the only thing the undead is hill said, if we study, it is no good. only we read a good book, will become a man of knowledge, let us read more books to seek more knowledge in the ocean of books and fun. 篇3:世界读书日的英语作文 a lot of people praise the benefits of reading. when i was growing up, enjoy reading, is the greatest happiness. 更多精彩内容请点击下1页。
the life of books is awakened by reading. as some have said, the significance of festivals is not only to commemorate, but also to do the same things on this day, thus forming a strong consensus growth force and behavioral influence. the arrival of world reading day is not only a reminder, but also an advocacy. with books as a companion, reading will become a way of life. what we have will be strong spiritual muscles and muscles. what we harvest will be rich spiritual life.译文:书籍的生命是被阅读唤醒的。正如有人所言,节日的意义并不仅仅在于纪念,更在于在这1天做具有相同意义的事,从而形成强大的共识生长力和行为影响力。世界读书日的到来,既是1个提醒,也是1份倡导。以书为伴,让阅读成为1种生活方式,我们拥有的,将会是强健的精神筋骨,我们收获的,将会是丰盈的精神生命。
关于世界读书日内容怎么写100字分享如下:4月2日是“国际儿童图书日”,4月23日是“世界读书日”,届时世界各地都会为此举行1系列纪念活动,因此每年的4月,仿佛全世界都充满了浓浓的书香。中国有句俗语“春来正是读书时”,在这个绿芽萌发、百花吐蕊的季节,我们将迎来第16个“世界读书日”。 书是我们的良师益友,伴随我们1生,帮助我们成长,敦促我们奋进。在柳丝青青,百花吐蕊的4月天里,书香满怀带给我们的不仅是精神上的富足,更是展望前程时那1份自信和沉稳。读书不能改变人生的长度,但可改变人生的广度;读书不能改变人生的起点,但可改变人生的终点”。对于1个审美观、道德观、人生观都正处在形成时期的少年人,阅读书籍不仅能够潜移默化地影响少年人的心灵,帮助他们抵御世俗的种种侵染,从而建立起自己的审美观、道德观和人生观;更可以丰富学生们的写作素材。 开阔视野,优化文字运用能力;因此有“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”的经典名言,可见书籍对写作的重要意义。想成就高分作文的同学们,别再埋头苦想了,也许随便翻开的1本书已经带你走上了成功之路。
4月23日是世界读书日,这是1个世界性的节日,可见全世界的人们都是热爱读书的,今年的世界读书日让我深有感触,读书,是1种享受,是1种幸福。著名作家高尔基有1句名言:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”书是我的良师益友,是我的好伙伴。读书好比是在和1位高尚的人谈话,的确如此,读书的滋味其乐融融。 书是我们学习巨大的力量与成功,如果我们在读书时不用脑子记,不用心记,读书读的很快,到最后1点儿印象都没有了,白花费了很多时间,所以我们不要把读书看做1场游戏,读书是为你而读,不是为别人而读。